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March Laughness

The Comedy Arena is bringing back March Laughness to the stage where Stand Up Comics compete bracket style to determine who will get to headline a show. Each comic that wins their round/week will move on to the final 4/March Laughness finals. If you win the finals, you will walk away with $ and a chance to Headline at The Comedy Arena.

The audience will decide who is voted on through to the Final 4 as well as who will win March Laughness.

We're looking for 20 comics plus subs to perform on Thursdays in March with the Finals happening on April 3. Please note, just because you submit, does not mean you're performing. All comics will be notified by 2/11.
All shows start at 7:30PM on Thursdays (specific dates are below). Call is at 7:00PM.

If a comic's schedule prevents them from moving forward after being voted forward, the comic they competed against is the automatic understudy. If that comic is unable to perform, The Comedy Arena may pick another comic to perform in their place.


Before submitting, comics should have at least 15-20 minutes of material for the initial rounds. 


Each show/initial round works where 5 Comics perform a certain amount of time (usually 3 minutes in the first round of that show). After each comic performs that amount of time, the audience votes who they want to see move forward. Then the remaining 4 comics perform for a certain amount of time and the process repeats until there is one comic left who is determined the winner of that show. 


After this goes on for 4 weeks, we will have our FINAL 4 who will do the same process during the FINALS show on Thur. Apr. 3.


You are essentially committing to 2 shows. One week in March plus Apr 3. 

Your submissions are due by Tuesday 2/4. Performers and their initial show dates will be announced by Tuesday 2/11. First round of shows will be Thur. Mar. 6. Headliner show will be scheduled based on winner's availability.  Send questions to

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